Herbs & Spices
Almost as old as the art of cooking is the practice of adding or enhancing taste or disguising poor flavours by adding, marinating or cooking food with herbs and spices resulting in spectacular explosions of fragrant delicacies. Besides adding umph to food they are also prized for their medicinal properties used to treat an endless list of ailments. We sell an infinite range of dried herbs and spices either whole or ground together with a variety of curry mixes and seasonings.

Marries well with roasted dishes especially root vegetables and potatoes. Its essential oil is diuretic, stimulates the production of bile, improves digestion and can act as an antiseptic for the respiratory system.

Common herb to Northern Italy and Europe.having a slightly bitter taste can be used in stuffings, casseroles and egg and cheese based dishes. It can help alleviate menopausal symptoms and painful periods.

the most expensive spice to date because the stigma of the crocus plant is picked by hand. Labelled the king of spices, it is highly aromatic with a slightly bitter taste adding a subtle flavour and golden tinge to many dishes. Available in fragile threads, it is used extensively in Spanish and Italian cuisines in the preparation of rice dishes and cakes. Rich in Vitamin B2 and riboflavin, saffron is used in the treatment of urinary and digestive problems.

Sweet Paprika
Relative of the red pepper family, it is milder in flavour than cayenne but Hungarian paprika is hotter than Spanish paprika. A mellow sweet flavour used to lend a distinctive red colouring to food. Good for the heart and circulation.
Sweet Paprika

Madras Curry
A blend of dried coriander, turmeric, mustard, fenugreek, celery, cayenne, cumin, paprika, pepper, starch, ginger, onion, salt, garlic and cardamom. Used extensively in Indian cuisine.
Coriander, Turmeric, Mustard, Fenugreek, Calery, Cayenne, Cumin, Paprika, Pepper, Ginger, Onion, Salt, Garlic, Cardamom

Marjoram can be used to substitute oregano in many dishes adding a slightly sweeter aftertaste

Medium Curry Powder
Blend of cumin, coriander, turmeric and chilli and roasted before ground. Level of heat depends on the ratio of chilli used in the blend.
Cumin, Coriander, Turmeric, Chilli

Mediterranean herb which adds a touch of freshness to all dishes. Can help reduce bloating and swelling after eating from trapped wind.

Mixed Herbs
A blend of dried herbs mainly parsley, sage, thyme, marjoram and tarragon. Excellent addition to soups and casseroles.
sley, Sage, Thyme, Marjoram, Tarragon

Ground Yellow Mustard
Powder extracted from grinding yellow mustard seeds which can be added to marinades, mayonnaise or cream cheese to give a pungent and spicy flavour.
Ground Yellow Mustard

Herbes Provencales
A blend of herbs (savoury, rosemary, oregano, marjoram and thyme) reminiscent of the South of France. Traditionally used in all French dishes especially vegetables.
Savory, Rosemary, Oregano, Marjoram, Thyme

Hot Curry Powder
Blend of cumin, coriander, turmeric and chilli and roasted before ground. Level of heat depends on the ratio of chilli used in the blend.
Cumin, Coriander, Turmeric, Chilli

Hot Paprika
Relative of the red pepper family, it is milder in flavour than cayenne although Hungarian paprika is hotter than Spanish paprika. Used to lend a distinctive red colouring to food. It is thought to be good for the heart and circulation.
Hot Paprika

Juniper Berries
The purple or black coloured fruits of the juniper tree. They have a strong aromatic scent with a tang of pine and are useful for pates, pickles such as sauerkraut, marinades and liqueurs such as gin. It can be also used as a diuretic and as an anti-inflammatory.
Juniper Berries

Italian Seasoning
A blend of herbs reminiscent of an Italian kitchen.
Basil, Parsley, Marjoram, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme

Lemon Grass
Lemongrass is widely used as a culinary herb in Asian cuisine and also as medicinal herb in India. It has a subtle citrus flavor and can be dried and powdered, or used fresh. It is commonly used in teas, soups, and curries. It is also suitable for use with poultry, fish, beef, and seafood
Lemon Grass

Lemon Pepper
Delicious aromatic spice with a tangy hint which adds flavour to all savoury dishes.
Lemon Pepper

Mace Blades
This is the lacy outer layer that covers the nutmeg, a nut like seed of the nutmeg tree. It adds a mild nutmeg flavour to soups, sauces as well as sausages, pates & fish dishes.
Mace Blades

Ground Coriander
Native of Southern Europe is mostly used in Asian & Miexican cuisine. Interchangeable with parsley. They can help cure migraine and headaches
Ground Coriander