Good Food, Healthy Planet

What we eat has a huge impact on our health and the environment. No food has a bigger impact than meat.

The way meat, dairy and eggs are produced — and the growing consumption of these products — comes at a very high cost to our health, the environment, animal welfare, and workers. The meat at the center of many plates is also at the center of some of our world’s greatest ecological and public health threats: deforestation, habitat destruction, water scarcity, climate change, water pollution, diet-related disease, antibiotic resistance, intolerable animal cruelty and more.

The science is clear: a diet with less meat and more plant-based, organically grown foods is far better for our health and the planet.

When you eat less, you can afford better. Certified organic, humane and/or pastured animal products are better for your health, the environment, animals, workers, and independent farmers and ranchers. They often taste better too! No matter what kind of meat and other animal products you eat, eating less is one of the simplest ways to have the big positive impact on your health and the planet.

Read the whole article here: